February 2025
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Maintenance Period, 2/17

Because of the system outage that occurred yesterday, some measures were put in place that introduced potential bugs in to the system configuration.  In order to prevent any unplanned outages in the future, we’ll need to take the system offline starting at 8:00pm on Thursday, Feb. 17th in order to make the necessary changes.  This [...]

Maintenance Completed

We have completed the update to blog.usf.edu. Details:

Upgraded to WordPress 3.0.1
All plugins updated to the latest versions
Most themes updated to the latest versions

If you experience any issues with your blog due to the upgrade, please make a support request.

Enjoy the new version!

Maintenance: 9/29/2010 from 9AM to 12PM

blog.usf.edu will be undergoing maintenance on Wednesday, September 29, from 9AM to 12PM for software upgrades. Brief service interruptions can occur during this period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Login Outage: 03/13 3:30 PM to 03/15 9:00 AM

Due to an outage on one of the systems that service NetID, blog.usf.edu was not able to handle login requests. That problem has been resolved, and the blog.usf.edu login page is now able to handle NetID system failures more gracefully. Please contact the helpdesk at help@usf.edu if there are any problems. We apologize for any [...]

Syntax Highlighting Plugin Added

Since we were on a roll, we installed an additional plugin to make software code examples in blog posts more readable using the “Syntax Highlighter and Code Prettifier” plugin.

The instructions for use are available here.

Spring Break 2010 Upgrades

We are happy to announce that blog.usf.edu has been upgraded, offering many new features to our users.

Flickr Plugin- supports insertion of Flickr account photos into posts as well as hosting galleries
Picasa Plugin- supports insertion of Picasa photos from any publicly-accessible account
Twitter Plugin- Can add a twitter feed to the sidebar of your blog
Share This Plugin- [...]

Embedding of Flash Video Supported

The blog.usf.edu system by default did not allow insertion of flash videos (YouTube, etc) into blog posts. Today we have enabled that feature due to the requests of users. Thank you for the feedback and enjoy the new feature!

NOTE: Just as a reminder, blog.usf.edu content must comply with the USF Network Access Agreement.

More Themes Added

When blog.usf.edu initially launched, we provided all of the WordPress Featured themes, which was a very small but solid set of themes. Today we installed and activated an additional set of themes. Go and check them out!

As time goes on, we will continue to add more themes to support other possible uses of blog.usf.edu- as [...]

System Specifications

Its not often that IT puts out information on the systems that run the various services on campus, but I figured it would be fun to post this to satisfy the geeks among us.

The IT High-Availability Linux Cluster is responsible for running the following services for the university:

File services via NFS for the High-Performance computing [...]

We're Taking Over

As part of our plot to take over the world, we have taken over student, staff, and faculty blogs and the MyWeb service.  You should start seeing more and more features pop up as we migrate services off of the old system onto our new High-Availability cluster.

More information will be posted soon!